In March of 2020 I was in the North East of the United Kingdom as the COVID-19 pandemic was unfolding. As things went south and with lockdown looming, I decided to flee back to the Caribbean. Between arriving at the airport at Gatwick and arriving home was a total of 15 hours, during which time I consumed 100 grams of vitamin C in the form of one gram tablets, at times ten tablets in one go.
I did this because on arriving at the Gatwick airport I could smell COVID as well as feel the burning in my nose. Fortunately I was prepared for this and had my C ready, what I was not prepared for is how much I would need, without hitting ‘bowel tolerance’ (the shits) or even the slightest discomfort.
Having learnt 30 years ago the importance and uses of vitamin C from Linus Pauling’s excellent book, ‘How to Live Longer and Feel Better’ I have used vitamin C in ‘mega’ doses, that is waiting on my body to let me know when I have enough.
This is one area in which the science has not caught up, with many studies claiming that vitamin C has minimal effects above the recommended daily allowance of 75-90 mg. Personal experience and that of 10’s of folk whom I have introduced to ‘C’, tell me Pauling was right.
Some of the uses of vitamin C in the body are
Immune function
Mitochondrial function
Collagen formation
The cumulative effects of adequate C are protection against degenerative conditions and against opportunistic diseases, better muscle functioning and better structure to every cell in the body.
I did not catch COVID on the flight, nor at any other time despite numerous exposures. If
you know how to use the Vitamin C, it will be a potent boost to performance.
Sometimes the simplest things are the most impactful