All people have rhythms which the body evolved to follow and tries very hard to continue to do so despite the many disruptions of modern life.
If we can understand these rhythms and seek to work with them, instead of against them, we will have a powerful tool with which to raise performance.
Now for the blues, if your rhythms are out, you are going to feel blue, that is sad, demotivated, many of the symptoms associated with mental health problems.
All the rhythms we have discussed are related and so imbalances affect them all. Not enough sleep? Your circadian rhythm is thrown out, which impacts the ultradian and infradian rhythms. The symptoms of this impact are,
daytime sleepiness
lower performance at work
being more accident-prone
lack of mental alertness
increased risk for diabetes and obesity
There are occupations that make it difficult to maintain your circadian rhythm and so your other rhythms. These occupations are now associated with many disorders and early death, any kind of shift work, a category which includes all ‘essential workers’ is deadly.
Early signs your rhythms are out are the first six above, you need to act before the 7th kicks in. Before the pills try natural methods to bring your rhythms in line.