Emboldened by the recent expression of reservations about the response to COVID-19 by such esteemed men as Lord Sumption (recently retired from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom) and Michael Levitt (American-British-Israeli-South African biophysicist, professor of structural biology at Stanford University, and 2013 Nobel Laureate), I now feel confident to stick my neck out and ask, “WTF?” Is this really the plan?
Firstly, if this is the pandemic plan then we are finished as a race. We have had at least six new viruses breaking out into the human population since the turn of the century. This will only accelerate as growing populations in Asia (particularly China) and the drive for development in Africa bring us into contact with more and more viruses. Under the cover of the aforementioned men of high esteem and notwithstanding Mr. Bolsinario, the Coronavirus is a relatively lightweight virus. By that I mean that there are many worse things lurking in trees and streams waiting to acquaint themselves with us. Science has over reacted to this, and damaged our ability to deal with something more contagious and more deadly that is definitely on the way.
Secondly, the lockdown was a crazy idea. The damage has been done, and done mostly to the young. The price of protecting the old will be borne by the young and will be great over the next two decades. During this time we will almost certainly face another pandemic, and the next one may be really dangerous and we will not have the wherewithal to withstand it. Nothing against old folk, I’m well on the way myself, but a more targeted approach is necessary. By this I mean that if we lockdown again anytime soon (think in decades, not days) then civilisation as we know it will be under threat. We need a better assessment of the threat and a more targeted approach to containment; we need to preserve our ability to produce the things that allow us to live.
Thirdly, and this is where science has taken a really fundamentally wrong turn despite many brilliant scientists (like Linus Pauling) pointing out the error of the approach. The human body has evolved for millions of years into the finely tuned machine we see today, much without the aid of modern medicine. Despite this, modern medicine shows almost no interest in how the body works. It has advanced as the industrial and technological revolutions have advanced, and has adopted the position that things go wrong in the body because it is faulty and we can fix it with complicated machinery and complex chemical substances. One of the consequences of this is that we are sicker in the western world than ever, and so more susceptible to disease that we eat and breathe our way into as well as infectious ones. We do need to adopt an approach where we focus on how the body was meant to work, the things that enable that, and then supercharge our health by increasing the substances that make this health possible. Unfortunately these substances are vitamins, minerals, and many substances found in unprocessed foods. As you can probably guess, this is very unappealing to business and dare I say science. Despite the mounting evidence that vitamin C has a potent effect on patients battling COVID-19, especially when introduced intravenously, I have not heard one mainstream scientist from any country promoting its use.
Rush for a Vaccine:
The word from Scientists is that we cannot go back to any kind of normalcy until we have a vaccine. This is a problem; obviously we cannot survive much longer without returning world economies to normal. So according to science, we have to develop a vaccine pronto. Now I have nothing against vaccines; they are one of the better inventions of modern medicine. First inoculations and now vaccines have helped our immune systems to resist many diseases it was not prepared for. This is one of the best examples of science working with nature to improve. Vaccines however, are very tricky and easy to get wrong, so there is a long and complex process of testing before general use. Nothing should be done to shortcut this. Let us buy time by boosting our own immune systems through vitamin and mineral supplementation, proper eating, and rest. Buy ourselves some time to make sure the vaccine works.
If you are a person of colour:
Meaning if you have black in you, if you are of Asian extraction, a native person, if you compound this by being resident in a temperate climate, then you are at high risk, not only for COVID-19 but many other poor health outcomes. This is not news, but it is all the more important now that we are battling a new disease and are likely to be doing this for some time, and we can expect more diseases. You are not optimised for the environment you are in; you are likely more nutrient deficient than the rest of the population, who themselves are likely to be deficient. You need to be in above average to optimal health to resist this virus, so you will need to bring your levels of vitamin and minerals to the optimum as described elsewhere in this blog. More specifically, you will need to aggressively use vitamin C, supported by vitamin D if you become infected. If you are hospitalised, insist as far as you can that you continue your vitamin C and D intake. Should you be put into intensive care you will need intravenous vitamin C. I am not very hopeful that you will be able to accomplish the continued use of C and D in the face of the modern medical establishment, but you should try. Your short and long term prospects will be significantly improved if you can do this.
The Truth is:
Truth is, this probably will not reach anyone in both a position to and willing to do anything about it. Truth is, there is very little you can do to influence science. Truth is, you still have some control over yourself. Focus on your own health and understand that you need to boost and maintain it using natural substances. On this blog are posts that go into more detail about how to do this. Truth is, you need to think about what you hear; listen to multiple sources, and take a few minutes to understand who and what you are listening to. The choice is not science or ignorance; there is an area of understanding where you do not have to be a genius, have a degree, or follow an influencer. You can think for yourself. Think about what you hear and test it against what you know. Talk to others. The scientists are not as far ahead of you as you might think.